Home Nutrition 9 Health Benefits of Dried Cranberries

9 Health Benefits of Dried Cranberries

by Gauri Kolhe

The nutritional value of cranberries is high, along with some great medicinal properties that make them all season fruit for you. Dry cranberries are a favorite among all age groups – young adults, even young children.

This fruit is a popular choice for many natural health problems and skincare solutions. If you want to keep your skin radiant and healthy, your diet plan must include dry cranberries.

Cranberries, in any form, dry or fresh, help prevent breast cancer in women. Regular consumption of this fruit can also prevent acne, sandalwood, and other hair problems some studies also indicate that the fruit of this magic also works its magic with the goal of losing weight.

Of course, you can’t just rely on the use of dry cranberries to lose weight. You should also supplement it with regular exercise and other nutritious foods.

Cranberry could be a member of the Heather family and is related to Blueberry, Bilberry, and patois berry. The foremost ordinarily fully grown species is that the North Vaccinium macrocarpon however different species are found in nature.

Because of their terribly sharp and bitter style, cranberries seldom eat raw. In fact, they typically eat an excessive amount of juice, which is sometimes mixed with sweet sweets and different fruit juices.

Cranberry-based merchandise embodies sauces, dried cranberries, and extracts employed in powders and supplements. Cranberries are wealthy in a very sort of healthy vitamins and herbs, a number of that is shown to be effective against tract infections (UTIs).

This article tells you everything you would like to understand regarding cranberries, their nutritionary info, and the health edges and benefits of dried cranberries. 

Nutritional Value of Dried Cranberries

Cranberries are, in general, dry or fresh, rich in nutritious foods in the form of vitamins and antioxidants. Dried cranberries contain about the same amount of antioxidants and dietary fiber that you will find fresh.

But it is important to note that, like fresh cranberries, dried cranberries go through the drying process for more selfies. Depending on the type of drying process it may or may not reduce nutrients.

Benefits of Dried cranberries also contain natural sweets that can reduce the nutrient density of the fruit. It is advisable to get nutritional information in the packaging before buying from a specific brand.

But a cup of dried cranberries is a complete list of nutrients per 40 grams to help you get started here:

Total calories are 123 calories through carbohydrates, fat, and protein.

  • 0 protein
  • 26 grams of sugar
  • 3 grams of dietary fiber
  • 1 mg sodium
  • 33 grams of carbohydrates
  • 0.5 grams of fat
  • 4 mg of calcium
  • 0 steroids

Vitamins and minerals,

  • Other benefits of dried cranberries has it contains particularly antioxidants.
  • Also called antioxidant, the antioxidant is one of the antioxidants in cranberries. It’s necessary for the upkeep of your skin, muscles, and bones
  • Manganese is found in most foods, metal is crucial for growth, metabolism, and your body’s inhibitor system.

9 Dry Cranberry Health Benefits

There are many benefits of dried cranberries to living a healthy and fit life. Here is a list of the 9 benefits you get from using dry cranberries:

1. Reduces the risk of heart disease

heart health

Cranberries contain polyphones that have anti-inflammatory properties. These ingredients are known to lower high blood pressure, a condition that increases blood pressure and helps to build up more platelets in the body.

The latter is a major cause of heart disease and a major contributor to heart disease Regular use of dry cranberries is an easy and delicious way to reduce heart attack.

2.  Reduces the risk of bladder infections (UTI’s)

Cranberries contain important nutrients called PACs or proanthocyanins. These are antioxidants that attach unwanted bacteria to the walls of your urine.

Both good and bad bacteria are entering your system and outside. These are bad bacteria that cause a variety of urinary tract infections and UTIs are the most painful. The use of PAC found in dried and unsalted cranberry juice can prevent infection.

3. Reduces the risk of breast cancer and other cancers

It may be true that there is no way to prevent the development and spread of cancer but eating healthy is definitely one of them. Studies have shown that people who regularly eat dried cranberries have a lower risk of developing cancer.

Nutritious foods found in cranberries slow down the progression of existing cancers as well as prevent new cancers. Many people around the world have made significant progress in reducing their risk by eating dried cranberries every day for conditions such as prostate cancer or breast and ovarian cancer.

4. Good for oral hygiene

Just as the PACs property bacteria on dry cranberries stick to your urine wall, they do not stick to the tooth-decaying bacteria in your teeth.

This strengthens your teeth and gums and prevents other problems like bad breath and bleeding from gums and improves the cleanliness of your mouth.

5. Improves kidney function

Kidney Health

If you’ve ever felt a kidney or gall bladder stone, you can tell how painful they can be and how you can do something to avoid them in the future.

The pain can be intense and often intolerable benefits of dried cranberries are loaded with citric acid which helps to avoid complications related to kidney and blood. This acid is an important component in preventing the formation of kidney stones.

6. Helps prevent weight gain

The average adult burns about 1,500-2,000 calories per day .The number of calories you burn depends on your age, gender, lifestyle, exercise system, and so on. You may be surprised to learn that eating less is not the same as burning calories.

The accumulated calories will eventually turn into fat and add to your weight, even if you eat less. It is more prudent to eat a portion of food that is not high in calories In one serving of dried cranberries, there are only 130 calories and are loaded with fiber which keeps you full for longer. You can only get these as a single meal.

7. Gives you perfect skin

Benefits of Dried cranberries are rich in amino acids and hydroxyproline which are essential for the formation of collagen. The latter is an important ingredient in keeping skin soft and youthful Cranberries also keep your skin hydrated.

8. Solves hair problems

Rich in vitamins A and C, dry cranberries can be the answer to your hair problems such as sandalwood and hair fall. The antifungal and antiseptic properties of the fruit prevent the skin from drying out which is the main cause of sandalwood and oily hair.

9. Comorbidity reduces the factor

Mayo Clinic recommends using at least 25 grams of dietary fiber in your daily diet. Dry cranberries can be a source of this nutrient for you .These tissues reduce comorbid factors such as diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, neurological problems, and so on.

Healthy and delicious cranberry recipe

The fun part about dry cranberries is that, unlike most fruits, these can also be used in delicious foods. Here are two healthy and delicious recipes to give you a taste of your regular diet:

Cranberry vinegar:

This dish can be made with fresh or dried cranberries, turmeric, and vinegar are the main ingredients in this food that are packed with flavor.


About 2 tablespoons

Nutritional Facts:

Calories (127), Sodium (143 mg), Fat (14 grams), Zero Saturated Fat, Carbohydrates (3 grams).


  • 1 small onion chops and quarters
  • About half a cup of cranberry
  • One-fourth cup extra virgin oil
  • A quarter cup of flux seeds or potato oil
  • 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon chopped theme, menu, or basin
  • A quarter of a teaspoon of ground turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • Salt to taste


1. Make a purée with onion, cardamom, olive oil, potato oil, vinegar, turmeric, honey, salt, and turmeric.

2. Put ours in a bowl and refrigerate for about a week

3. Serve with salad, or dip

Cranberry banana level smoothie:

It is an effective and healthy drink to make your morning better


2 Small plates for serving

Nutritional Facts:

Calories (286), vitamins (143 mg), fat (14 grams), balanced fat (106%), carbohydrates (64 grams), potassium (900 mg).


  • 2 Hand Spinach
  • Cup 1 cup dried or fresh cranberry
  • Cup 1 cup fridge banana
  • Half a cup of almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • Add honey if you want


1. Make green smoothies first to create the first level using spinach, cabbage, almond milk, and orange juice.

2. Pour our mixed ingredients into a glass and refrigerate

3. Next, replace the spinach with cranberry and make a red layer

4. Repeat 2 steps

5. Freeze both mixes for about 10 minutes

6. Take a spoon to dig out the frozen red mixture and place it on the green to get the final product.

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