Home Women's Wellness Pregnancy Symptoms: 38 Early Signs of Pregnancy

Pregnancy Symptoms: 38 Early Signs of Pregnancy

by Gauri Kolhe

Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg after it’s released from the ovary during ovulation. The fertilized egg then travels down into the uterus, where implantation occurs. A successful implantation results in pregnancy.

On average, a full-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. Many factors can affect a pregnancy. Women who receive an early pregnancy diagnosis and prenatal care are more likely to experience a healthy pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

Knowing what to expect during the full pregnancy term is important for monitoring both your health and the health of the baby. If you’d like to prevent pregnancy, there are also effective forms of birth control you should keep in mind.

While pregnancy tests and ultrasounds are the only ways to determine if you are pregnant, there are other signs and pregnancy symptoms you can look for.

Are you pregnant some of the early signs of pregnancy can be seen when you have lost a period of time – either a week or two before or after. Not every woman has symptoms of pregnancy. The early signs of pregnancy are more than a missed period. They may also include morning sickness, odor sensitivity, and fatigue.

When do pregnancy symptoms begin?

You may notice some signs and symptoms before you even take a pregnancy test. Others will appear weeks later. While this may sound strange, the first week of your pregnancy is based on the date of your last menstruation.

Even if you are not actually pregnant yet, your last menstrual period is considered week 1 of pregnancy. The due date of delivery is calculated using the first day of your last period.

For this reason, the first few weeks where you may not have symptoms also count toward your 40-week pregnancy.

Here is some list of early pregnancy symptoms:

Missed period:

Once the implantation is complete, your body will start producing human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). This hormone helps the body maintain pregnancy it also tells the eggplant to stop laying mature eggs every month.

After four weeks of pregnancy, your next period will be possible if you have an irregular period, you want to have a pregnancy test to make sure.

Abdominal bloating:

Hormonal changes in early pregnancy may make you feel swollen, as some women feel before their period. That’s why your clothes on the waist can feel thinner than normal, even when your uterus is very small.

The body temperature raised during pregnancy:

Excess body temperature can also be a sign of pregnancy the base temperature of your body can also easily increase during exercise or in hot weather. During this time, you need to make sure you drink more water and exercise carefully.


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Fatigue can occur at any time during pregnancy these symptoms are common pregnancy symptoms during pregnancy your progesterone levels will increase, which can make you feel sleepy.


For some women, morning sickness does not occur for about a month or two after pregnancy, although for others it can start in two weeks. And not just in the morning: Pregnancy-related vomiting with or without vomiting can be a problem in the morning, noon or night.

Most pregnant women who vomit feel completely relaxed by the beginning of the second trimester. For others, it takes a month or more for the quality to be simplified A lucky one is a little overwhelmed.

Sensitivity to Smells:

Gossett says that becoming unusually sensitive to smells could be another sign that you might be pregnant. “If suddenly food smells are turning you off, or if you have an aversion to foods you usually enjoy, that could be another early sign of pregnancy,” she says.

Increased Urination:

Increased urination can be symptomatic of a few different things, including pregnancy. if you’re urinating more often than usual (but there isn’t any pain), you might be pregnant.


If you’re feeling unusually bloated or have cramps, that might also be a sign that it’s time to take a pregnancy test.



If you’re having trouble going to the bathroom, that could be another early symptom of pregnancy.

Breast Tenderness or Enlargement:

Breast changes are an early symptom of pregnancy for many women. If you notice that yours are unusually sensitive or feel fuller than usual to the touch.

Darkening Areolas:

Another change to your breasts that might indicate pregnancy is the darkening of the skin around your nipples, a.k.a the areola.


If you’ve got a stuffy nose, it could be another sign that you’re possibly pregnant. “increasing hormone levels and blood production can cause the mucous membranes in your nose to swell, dry out and bleed easily. This might cause you to have a stuffy or runny nose.”

Pelvic Pain:

Unusual pelvic pain is one potential symptom of pregnancy that needs to be addressed immediately. “Pelvic pain is serious, as it can indicate an ectopic pregnancy,”. An ectopic pregnancy is one where the fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus.

Bleeding or Spotting:

Even if you think you’ve gotten your period, there could still be a chance you’re pregnant. “If you think you’ve gotten your period, but you have some of these other symptoms, you may be pregnant,” Gossett says.

“Sometimes there is bleeding when a pregnancy is implanting, and it can be confused with a period. So it may be worthwhile to rule it out if you’re experiencing any of these other symptoms.”

Initial changes in the breast: tingling, pain, growing:

Breast changes may occur between 4 and 6 weeks Due to hormonal changes, you are more likely to have soft and swollen breasts It is likely to go away a few weeks after your body is trimmed with hormones.

Breast and breast changes can also occur in about 11 weeks Hormones start to enlarge your breasts Areola – around Nipples – can change color and grow larger.

Changes in mood during early pregnancy:

Your estrogen and progesterone levels will be higher during pregnancy. This increase can affect your mood and make you more emotional or responsive than normal.

Mood swings during pregnancy are common and can cause feelings of depression, annoyance, anxiety, and euphoria.

Frequent urination:

Shortly after you become pregnant, hormonal changes create a chain of events that increases the rate of blood flow through your kidneys. This makes your bladder full faster, so you have to pee more.

Frequent urination will continue – or intensify – as your pregnancy progresses during pregnancy, your blood pressure rises dramatically, leading to additional fluid processing and bleeding.

Bloating and constipation:

Like menstrual cramps, bloating can also a pregnancy symptom during early pregnancy this can be due to hormonal changes, which can also slow down your digestive process. As a result, you may feel constipated and blocked.

Constipation can also increase the feeling of bloating in the stomach This can be due to hormonal changes, which can also slow down your digestive process As a result you may feel constipated and blocked.

Constipation can also increase the feeling of bloating in the stomach.

Implantation bleeding or spotting:

It seems reactive if you are trying to get pregnant; the one spot you want to see last is bleeding or vaginal bleeding. But if you only see light spots during your period of time, it can be implantation bleeding.

No one knows why this happens, but it may be that fertilized eggs are fixed in the line of your uterus.

High blood pressure and dizziness during pregnancy:

In most cases, high or normal blood pressure is a pregnancy symptom in early pregnancy and high blood pressure will be reduced in the early stages of pregnancy. It can also make you feel dizzy as your blood vessels are depleted.

Determining high blood pressure during pregnancy is more difficult almost all cases of high blood pressure within the first 20 weeks indicate an underlying problem It may develop during early pregnancy but may occur earlier.



Headaches are common in early pregnancy. They’re usually caused by altered hormone levels and increased blood volume. Contact your doctor if your headaches don’t go away or are especially painful.


Some women may experience light bleeding and spotting in early pregnancy. This bleeding is most often the result of implantation. Implantation usually occurs one to two weeks after fertilization.

Early pregnancy bleeding can also result from relatively minor conditions such as an infection or irritation. The latter often affects the surface of the cervix (which is very sensitive during pregnancy).

Bleeding can also sometimes signal a serious pregnancy complication, such as miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or placenta previa. Always contact your doctor if you’re concerned.

Weight gain

You can expect to gain between 1 and 4 pounds in your first few months of pregnancy. Weight gain becomes more noticeable toward the beginning of your second trimester.

Pregnancy-induced hypertension:

High blood pressure, or hypertension, sometimes develops during pregnancy. Several factors can increase your risk, including:
 being overweight or obese
 smoking
 having a prior history or a family history of pregnancy-induced hypertension


Hormones released during pregnancy can sometimes relax the valve between your stomach and esophagus. When stomach acid leaks out, this can result in heartburn.


Hormone changes during early pregnancy can slow down your digestive system. As a result, you may become constipated.


As the muscles in your uterus begin to stretch and expand, you may feel a pulling sensation that resembles menstrual cramps. If spotting or bleeding occurs alongside your cramps, it could signal a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.

Back pain:

Hormones and stress on the muscles are the biggest causes of back pain in early pregnancy. Later on, your increased weight and shifted center of gravity may add to your back pain. Around half of all pregnant women report back pain during their pregnancy.


Pregnant women have an increased risk of anemia, which causes symptoms such as lightheadedness and dizziness.

The condition can lead to premature birth and low birth weight. Prenatal care usually involves screening for anemia.


Between 14 and 23 percent of all pregnant women develop depression during their pregnancy. The many biological and emotional changes you experience can be contributing causes. Be sure to tell your doctor if you don’t feel like your usual self.


Insomnia is another common symptom of early pregnancy. Stress, physical discomfort, and hormonal changes can be contributing causes. A balanced diet, good sleep habits, and yoga stretches can all help you get a good night’s sleep.

Breast changes:

Breast changes are one of the first noticeable signs of pregnancy. Even before you’re far enough along for a positive test, your breasts may begin to feel tender, swollen, and generally heavy or full. Your nipples may also become larger and more sensitive, and the areolae may darken.


Because of increased androgen hormones, many women experience acne in early pregnancy. These hormones can make your skin oilier, which can clog pores. Pregnancy acne is usually temporary and clears up after the baby is born.


Vomiting is a component of “morning sickness,” a common symptom that usually appears within the first four months. Morning sickness is often the first sign that you’re pregnant. Increased hormones during early pregnancy are the main cause.

Hip pain:

Hip pain is common during pregnancy and tends to increase in late pregnancy. It can
have a variety of causes, including:

  • pressure on your ligaments
  • sciatica
  • changes in your posture
  • a heavier uterus


Diarrhea and other digestive difficulties occur frequently during pregnancy. Hormone changes, a different diet, and added stress are all possible explanations. If diarrhea lasts more than a few days, contact your doctor to make sure you don’t become dehydrated.

Stress and pregnancy:

While pregnancy is usually a happy time, it can also be a source of stress. A new baby means big changes to your body, your relationships, and even your finances. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for help if you begin to feel overwhelmed.

Positive pregnancy tests:

Despite what you can read in the box, many home pregnancy tests are not sensitive enough to reliably diagnose pregnancy for about a week of deprived time. So if you decide to give it a try beforehand and get negative results, try again in a few days.

Remember that the development of a baby begins before you say you are pregnant, so take care of your health while you wait to find out and look for more pregnancy symptoms.

Symptoms decrease during the second trimester. Many changes in the body and symptoms of pregnancy that you experience during the first trimester will begin to weaken as you reach the second trimester.

Talk to your doctor about any of the symptoms that are interfering with your daily routine. Together, you can relax and relax for your pregnancy.’

When do the symptoms start?

Though it may sound odd, your first week of pregnancy is based on the date of your last menstrual period. Your last menstrual period is considered week 1 of pregnancy, even if you weren’t pregnant yet.

The first day of your last period. For that reason, the first few weeks where you may not have symptoms also count toward your 40-week pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms Timeline (from the missed period)

  • mild cramping and spotting week 1 to 4
  • missed period week 4
  • fatigue week 4 or 5
  • nausea week 4 to 6
  • tingling or aching breasts week 4 to 6
  • frequent urination week 4 to 6
  • bloating week 4 to 6
  • motion sickness week 5 to 6
  • mood swings week 6
  • temperature changes week 6
  • high blood pressure week 8
  • extreme fatigue and heartburn week 9
  • faster heartbeat week 8 to 10
  • breast and nipple changes week 11
  • acne week 11
  • noticeable weight gain week 11
  • pregnancy glow week 12

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