Do you feel uncomfortable and irritated by any sound of chewing, ticking clock or tapping irritates you it means you are suffering from misophonia. Misophonia is associated with the negative reaction against this type of sound.
Misophonia suffering individuals experiences negative impacts in their daily life, which can be managed by treatment of reactions to their specific triggers.
Concern of Perception and cure for misophonia is needs further research although there are some promising advances have been made in order to manage the response of triggering sounds.
First thing is to understand the disease and it is very important to know about the treatment available for your response to certain sounds.
If you are willing to explore the options available or interesting to learning their working, make sure to book an appointment with doctor.
So what is Misophonia?
In the Greek terminology misophonia means the “hatred of sound” and also referred as “selective sound sensitivity syndrome”.
Though, misophonia is not yet recognised as diagnosable disorder in the handbook widely used by psychiatrists and clinicians named as diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5).
An individual suffering from misophonia may experience an array of emotional reactions ranging from the annoyance or panic response to a fight including, panic, anxiety.
For an individual suffering from misophonia, normal sounds to a normal people such as ticking sound of clock, sound of nails on chalkboard and tapping sounds, work as triggering sounds.
Chapping sounds and tic-tac sound of your heels could be a triggering sound. Some visual actions done by any individual can also trigger negative responses worsen mental health and lifestyle.
In general triggering sounds seems to be normal and do not bother normal people or sometimes hardly noticed by them.
For Misophonia suffering person, it seems impossible to control and solve the anger on the person making those irritating triggering sound.
Eventually person may feel guilty or bad for getting mad over their responses to the triggers but at that moment their actions appear justified. This type of reaction seems creating chaos in the daily life of many people having misophonia.
Are you individual with Misophonia or simply have sensitivity to sound?
Sometimes normal people behave angrily in response to normal sounds. For example sometimes family member, friends or colleagues told you that eating sound, chewing sound of your bother them.
Listening this you may doubt on you having misophonia. So it is very important to differentiate sensitivity to sound and misophonia.
This kind of behaviour is the sensitivity of sound but if they react negatively to your sound by forcing anger on you and having sign of anxiety and panic, it means they have the symptom ofz misophonia.
The indicators include the reaction of panic or rage.
If a person can’t control their reaction and feel guilty and apologetic afterward, it could be a sign that the person may have misophonia.
Make sure do not avoid, if a person complaining sound sensitivity. It is the primary concern to confirm whether this sensitivity could be misophonia.
Various triggers to Misophonia:
In order to understand and determination misophonia there are some examples of trigger sound are as follows:
- Papers rustling
- Pen tapping
- Chomping
- Slurping
- Throat clearing
- Lip smacking
- Sniffling
- Breathing
- Nose whistling
- Snoring
- Writing
- Chewing (gum, chips, popcorn)
- Ticking clock
- Birds chirping
- Typing
- Slamming car door
- Crickets chirping
Sometimes in few peoples triggers can be observed visually and be as disturbing as listening audio triggers. Here are some visual triggers
- Hair twirling
- Foot wagging
- Nose rubbing
Do you have any experience any of these sounds or visual triggers responding panic, anger or anxiety? If you this kind of experience, it, means it could be an indication of misophonia and you are suffering from misophonia.
What is the treatment of Misophonia?
There are various treatments that has been proposed on order to traet misophonia and mentioned below.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)
A pathological condition in which a person continuously hears a persistent ringing in the ears that cause agitation, discomfort and interference in your routine life coined as tinnitus. Tinnitus could be as a result of side effects of medicine administered for a long period of time.
It is quite natural that treatment has been used for tinnitus could possibly proof s a strong option for the treatment of misophonia.
Tinnitus retrainting therapy involves the lessons on how to enhance your tolerance to triggers sounds so that these sounds could not create any discomfort or anxiety in daily routine life of individual.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Techniques
This kind of techniques includes the lessons on how to manage emotions through some techniques such as distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulations and mindfulness. Through these techniques person having misophonia can easily managed their response to triggers.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Other option to treat misophonia is cognitive behavioral therapy. As the name shows cognitive behavior refers the management of misophonia by understanding the reactions triggers.
Simply said, individual can learn to understand the developing the strategies to copup these reactions against trigger sound. Significantly this may involves changes in negative thinking patterns that are related to trigger sound.
One of the effective techniques is the relaxation to patients having misophonia. People with misophonia can be used progressive muscle relaxation.
Progressive muscle relaxation involves the tolerance against misophonia by practicing alternating tensing and relaxation of different parts of body.
White Noise Devices
White noise devices referred any medium that conceal the sound that triggers misophonia reactions. Some people give a good response to these devices which mask the sounds.
White noise devices can either ear level devices such as sound of river and waterfalls or a room level like fan or white noise machine. For example ticking sound of wall clock can be easily masked by the sound of fan in the room.
White noise devices usually provided through the audiologist and may be expensive. Because these devised are expensive so it is important to look for a insurance to these devices before choosing the option.
A little bit cheap method, in comparison to by a individual devise, is instalment of sound play app for white noise in your smart phone or iPods, or ear pods.
This is quite effective and excessive method. In order to make more effective this method, the person having misophonia would use a headphone that d not block outer sounds.
Generally these devices are used to create a background sounds to tour environment so that silence will be disappear and triggering sounds get blend with the background music and do not cause any reaction against triggers sounds in people having misophonia.
When it comes to medicine, misophonia have no approved medicinal treatment. However, it is important to discuss the options for medication with your doctor.
Maybe there could be some options in medicine that can help you in misophonia. There could be a chance of possibility that advances in research will discover or identify the new treatments for misophonia.
Hypnotherapy can be a good option for the treatment of misophonia as this therapy required an expert in the field of hypnosis.
Finding Treatment
Although Misophonia has no medicine, it could be treated by above mentioned techniques. But if it eaves untreated for a long time and has been avoided by the person then it could be a serious issue and eventually effects your daily life with negative and worse reactions and leaves you in discomfort.
So to prevent this condition you really have to look doctor, mental health professional or alternative medicine practitioner to get the options for the treatment of misophonia.
You can also concern misophonia treatment institute to know about your condition and prevent it getting worsen. This institute provide you the techniques for the management, training, assessment and treatment either by online mail or by phone calls.
Institute offers various facilities for the children such as resources and accommodations as well as parenting coach.
For the people having misophonia it is very struggling and frustrating to live this kind of problematic life, several treatments methods are available and it is possible to treat this condition.
This misophonia experienced only in your sole mind, nobody can understand your problem no matter how much they pretend to understand. So better counselling and doctors suggestion can make you live life without struggling with negative impact of misophonia.
So observe you, get treatment for yourself and take care…